Mass Times:
Sun, 8:15am & 10:30am (at the church)
Mon, 10am (at Senior Living Centers - see bulletin for locations)
Tue-Thu, 8am (in the chapel)
Fri: 8am, Liturgy of the Word with Communion (in the chapel)
~ consult bulletin for changes ~

How We Use Your Contributions

ThankYou_Generosity_4cNow available – 2018 Annual Report – FINAL

Our annual report includes a financial report but it is more than that.  In what follows here, we provide a some general thoughts on our finances but please read the report to know how we are doing financially and otherwise.

Our fiscal year runs from July 1st to June 30th.  Page seven of the report summarizes both our revenues and our expenses.  It is important for you to realize that almost all of our revenue comes from you, primarily in the collection but also with other gifts and donations you provide.  There is also our fundraisers (rummage sale, festival, and bazaar) where the proceeds help fund our ministries.

On the expense side, the largest part is salaries and benefits.  It’s not that our staff is highly paid.  In fact, the salaries we pay are very modest.  Our benefits focus on medical insurance and pension.  These are items that our church advocates for all to have.  We offer these benefits because it is the right thing to do.St Michael B & W

Our second biggest expense is utilities.  In recent years, work has been done to consolidate our utility bills and make use of negotiated utility prices.  We also have building maintenance costs to keep our buildings in good shape.  We formed a Building and Grounds Committee that serves to help properly maintain our property while managing the costs.

Here are previous reports:

How to Give Online

© 2025 St. Michael's Church
401 S Main St
Newark, NY 14513
(315) 331-6753
Diocese of Rochester

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