Mass Times:
Sun, 8:15am & 10:30am (at the church)
Mon, 10am (at Senior Living Centers - see bulletin for locations)
Tue-Thu, 8am (in the chapel)
Fri: 8am, Liturgy of the Word with Communion (in the chapel)
~ consult bulletin for changes ~

RCIA (for adults)

Jesus BaptismR.C.I.A. stands for Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults.  As a process of initiation this is a process for any adult who has never been baptized, was baptized in another faith, or was baptized Catholic but didn’t receive any formal religious education or sacraments of Eucharist or confirmation to become Catholic.  The process happens through a series of classes, spiritual reflections and personal sharing.

Tere Murphy went through our RCIA program.  In the videos below she shares her perspective on the RCIA process and what our Catholic faith means to her.


Question #1 – What drew you to RCIA and your decision to join the Catholic faith?

 Question #2 – Describe the Weekly Sessions and how they helped you understand our Catholic Faith?

Question #3 – The Sacraments of Initiation are normally received at the Easter Vigil.  Will you share your experience of what that was like for you?

Question #4 – How has being Catholic
changed your life?

Please contact our Parish Office for more information at (315)331-6753 for further information.


© 2025 St. Michael's Church
401 S Main St
Newark, NY 14513
(315) 331-6753
Diocese of Rochester

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